In light of inclement weather, our Quorom Court meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 18th, at 5 pm.
Welcome to Greene County
Five cities (Delaplaine, Lafe, Marmaduke, Oak Grove Heights, Paragould), several unincorporated communities (Beech Grove, Cotton Belt, Fontaine, Gainesville, Hopewell, Light, Walcott and Walnut Corner), and 580 square miles make up Greene County Arkansas.
Whether you are visiting or living in Greene County, you will find that it has much to offer, like Crowley's Ridge State Park. To better serve Greene County residents and visitors, our website will provide the information residents need, and information visitors want.
How Can We Direct You?
How do I...
• Birth Certificate
• Marriage Certificate
• Property Tax Bill
• Public Records
See upcoming events and messages from our County Judge. Check out the new video below!
Your Elected Officials
The elected officials of Greene County are proud to serve the needs of Greene County Residents.
When are Taxes due?
Taxes are due the first working day in march, and past due after October 15th.
Can I make partial payments?
Yes. Partial payments can be made on your current taxes only.