collector's Office

Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:30

320 West Court Street,
Room 103,
Paragould, AR 72450

Phone: 870-239-6305
Fax: 870-239-6333


Provide tax information to tax payers and title companies including amounts, value, mileage, property cards, dav exemptions information.

 Clerk's Staff

Cindy Tracer

Cindy Tracer
County Tax Collector

Brandi Dollars
chief Deputy collector

Deputy Collector 


When are Taxes due?

Taxes are due the first working day in march, and past due after October 15th.

Can I make partial payments?

Yes. Partial payments can be made on your current taxes only.

Do you take credit cards?

Yes we take credit cards online, over the phone or at the counter with a small convenience fee from the company.

What is the penalty for late payments?

10% on personal with no added fee. 10% plus daily fee on real estate.


Current taxes cannot be paid until books open March 1st. Until then, only delinquents can be taken. The deadline to pay current taxes without penalty is October 15th.

contact greene county courthouse